SOCIETEX / ICFG France advised the shareholders of MW Meccanica in the transfer of their SpringBike 69 dealership (E.M. Motos)
SpringBike 69
Target | SpringBike 69 |
Deal Type | Mergers & Acquisitions |
Buyer | Manager & private investor (Matthieu PERRIN, Jean-Marie DEGENEVE) |
Territory | France |
Transaction Description | Founded in 2005, SpringBike 69 (E.M. Motos) is a two-wheel dealership in a prime location in Limas (Rhône), near Lyon. In recent years, SpringBike 69 has become one of the leading dealerships in the catchment area for these brands. In addition to its vehicle sales business, E.M. Motos offers a selection of Dainese accessories and rider equipment, as well as associated services (short-term hire, financing, insurance, etc.). In 2021, SpringBike 69 moved premises and acquired a brand new showroom, doubling its surface area to around 1,200m² of sales space. Matthieu PERRIN, manager of the SpringBike 69 dealership, and Jean-Marie DEGENEVE, investor-entrepreneur, took part in the competitive process set up by Societex CF. Advisors:Sell-side
Industry Sector | Consumer & Retail |
ICFG Office | Paris |
SOCIETEX / ICFG France advised the shareholders of MW Meccanica in the transfer of their SpringBike 69 dealership (E.M. Motos)
SpringBike 69
ICFG member based in France, Societex advised France advised the shareholders of MW Meccanica in the transfer of their SpringBike 69 dealership (E.M. Motos)