
Robert Croddy

Vice President

Robert Croddy is a corporate finance professional with experience analyzing new investment opportunities, performing financial & legal due diligence, raising equity & structured debt, executing M&A transactions, analyzing capital structures, and operating businesses with an expertise in healthcare.


Prior to joining Westbury, Robert was responsible for leading all stages of buy and sell side assignments and other active client engagements for the Principals and portfolio companies of Viscogliosi Bros., LLC, a private equity investment firm focused on developing innovative neuromusculoskeletal technologies.

Prior to joining Viscogliosi Bros., LLC, Robert was an Analyst for a publicly traded iron ore mining company where he worked closely with the CEO on merger & acquisition initiatives.


Robert is a dual national of the U.S. and Belgium and has lived in four countries with global strategic relationships. Mr. Croddy received his Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Minor in Economics from the Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University.

New York Metropolitan, USA