ICFG Germany advised on the sale of FISCHER Cyclepor Deutschland GmbH
ICFG member in Germany, Wintergerst Societät für Unternehmer-Beratung has advised on the disposal of recycling provider, FISCHER Cyclepor Deutschland GmbH, in an international bidding process in just seven weeks. |
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Hans-Peter Fischer, General Manager of FISCHER resources GmbH commented: “The integration of FISCHER Cyclepor Deutschland GmbH under the umbrella of FISCHER resources GmbH offers attractive growth potential. With the distribution network of FISCHER resources GmbH we can continue to optimize utilization of our production capacity and expand our customer base. We were amazed at the extremely professional conduct of the transaction team from Wintergerst.” Volker Wintergerst, Founder and Managing Partner at Wintergerst Societät für Unternehmer-Beratung commented: “Compared to other bidders, FISCHER resources GmbH submitted the best concept. To this extent, we are very happy that the company will continue to be managed as a family business.” Christian Scharfenberger from Wintergerst managed the project: “I am pleased that with FISCHER resources GmbH we were able to find a buyer which, thanks to its matching fit offers attractive growth potential and protects the mid-cap character of the company. The competitive transaction process allowed us to realize an attractive solution for the sellers.” |