
Krzysztof Giecold


Krzysztof is a M&A expert with a strong international experience. He is fluent in English, German, Dutch, Italian, Czech and Polish.


Krzysztof has held various managerial positions within large international groups, including the position of Acquisitions Director for Brambles Industries, a group listed on the Sydney stock market.

Krzysztof joined SOCIETEX in 2001 and provides his expertise in the areas of retail, specialised distribution, medical devices and B2B services, and works in particular on cross-border operations, due to his languages skills and international experience.


Krzysztof graduated from the Solvay Business School in Brussels, where he obtained an MBA in 1981.

Life drives and passions

Rowing in masters; with World Champion’s title in 2009, 2013, 2017 and 2019.

Paris, France